Experience Nature

"On the Inside"

Experience nature "on the inside" with Journey Northaven. Our health and wellness retreat on the cusp of Jasper National Park offers a transformative journey like no other. The Habitat, located at the forefront of bio-innovation and healthy hospitality, combines modern technology with the healing essence of nature to create a space that nurtures and enhances all aspects of your being — body, mind, and spirit.

Look Inward

Immerse yourself in an environment that encourages you to push boundaries, gain clarity, and delve deep within yourself. Whether you choose to embark on this adventure alone or with a group, Journey Northaven promises a unique experience that serves as a disruptor of familiar patterns.

Our Nature Sanctuary

The Habitat at Journey Northaven provides a sanctuary for those seeking to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and instead, reconnect with the natural world while embracing the wonders of modern advancements. By blending the latest in technology with the timeless healing qualities of nature, this space offers a harmonious balance that supports and strengthens your innate human capabilities.

Self-Discovery & Renewal

As you step into this unparalleled space, be prepared to embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal. Allow the tranquil surroundings to quiet your mind, invigorate your body, and nourish your spirit. Our mental health retreat near Jasper isn't just a getaway; it's a transformative experience designed to awaken your senses, inspire your soul, and lead you towards a path of holistic well-being.


Journey Northaven invites you to embrace the unknown, challenge your limits, and explore the depths of your being in a setting unlike any other — Jasper National Park. Get ready to break free from the ordinary and unlock the extraordinary within you at The Habitat. Book your experience today.